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Showing posts from July, 2013

Instagram hashtag: #먹스타그램 (meog-seu-ta-geu-raem)

The Korean foodporn hashtag on Instagram: #먹스타그램 I've been active on Instagram(IG) for over a year now and a couple of months ago I decided to just make my instagram a food photo blog. If you check my Instagram, the photos are usually of food I eat everyday. I've been a Korean food junkie since my university days so I love checking out Korean foodporn shots on the internet.  As many Instagram users know, hashtags are used to make your photos be more popular and accessible and so I use a lot of hashtags on my photos.  I've been cooking a lot of Korean food nowadays because of the availability issues I have in the country where I live. I started using the hashtag #Koreanfood months ago and I noticed that a lot of Koreans I see on Instagram use the hashtag #먹스타그램.       먹스타그램 hashtag search on Instagram If I were to translate it in English, its an IG slang for meog (eat) and -stagram for Instagram. If you're a Korean foodporn junkie, ...